Monday, October 31, 2011

To My Dearest...

I remember the first time I saw her…..

…I kept saying to myself “Who is this girl?” 

“Her eyes, her smile, her laughter captured all of my senses…she captured all of me.” 

My dearest wife Veronica,

Today I am happy and blessed to celebrate 25 years of marriage with you. Today I am privileged to call you my wife and my best friend. 27 years ago God brought you into my life knowing that two years later you and I would become one. He knew that out of all the people in the world you would be the perfect one for me. Not because I had a standard of who my wife should be but because He knew that you were what I needed. He knew I was nothing without you. As I look back over the years you have always been there and except for my childhood and early adolescent memories…memories with you always fill my mind. 

I want to thank you for putting up with me in my times of weaknesses and doubts. For the times I failed as a husband and a friend. I want to thank you for your faithfulness to God and to our marriage. I especially want to thank you for being the best mom to our boys and raising them the way you did. Ryan, Gregory, Michael, and Daniel have all turned out to be fine young men and you played a huge part of that in their lives.

Like any marriage, we’ve had our “ups and downs” and our “for better or worsts” but through it all God has kept and protected us and has proven Himself faithful over and over again. He is our hero and our Savior. I don’t know what the future holds for us but I do know that I don’t want a future without you. I know this is silly and corny, but to steal a line from a movie… “You complete me.”

I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you as our love continues to grow. I look forward to our afternoon walks and late night conversations. I look forward to share our stories of the day and to share about the work that God is doing in our lives. You are truly a godly woman, a special mom, and the BEST WIFE a man can ask for.

With all my love now and forever,

Your husband


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